Mission and Vision

We create lasting change, for generations
To be the catalyst for the global community involvement in the transformation of marginalized and overlooked regions of Africa, particularly Uganda. We envision a world of equal opportunity where children live and grow without barriers and suffering regardless of race, ethnicity, location, or socio-economic status. We believe that empowering children to become leaders can facilitate and sustain the transformation of their communities. ~Mission
To create a platform for supporting and empowering the resource-poor families while connecting vulnerable children to socio-health and economic opportunities otherwise unattainable – better preparing them for the professional world and be able to contribute to sustainable development among the under-served and marginalized communities across the Rwenzori region of western Uganda. ~Vision

About PARC

You can help lots of people by donating little. We are Partners for Real Change (PARC), formerly Luhwahwa Youth Development Foundation (LUYODEFO), a Ugandan non-profit organization.

What started off as a small discussion group is steadily growing organically due to the demand for affordable quality services. As our work evolves, we rebranded but our mission remained the same: to improve the quality of life in a community that is rife with poverty and its associated social issues.

PARC directly makes a difference and benefits the lives of over 3,000 people every year through a wide variety of projects in education, health & healthcare, sustainability and other relief to those who are most in need of it.

What we do

Currently, we are able to deliver services through

  • 1 School for the orphans (Centre of educational excellence)
  • Feeding 210 children at the school for the orphans
  • Free education to 51 orphans at the school for the orphans
  • 2 Public schools and infrastructure supported
  • 1 Public health facility and infrastructure supported
  • 1 Tailoring workshop and sewing centre
Feeding for Children at school
Free education for Orphans
School for the orphans
Public schools & Infrastructure
Public health facility
Tailoring and Sewing centre

Through your support / donations, children will focus on their education and future aspirations.

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